Is it Legit: Yes
Did you get Paid: Definitely
How long do I need to wait to get payment: From what I recall I think it's an instant payment so you should get it in a few
Refferal Code/Link? There is no referral program with the app
Embee Meter CX is a safe meter that you just download and let it sit on your phone, you get $1 per 150 points, $5 per 500 points and $10 per 1000 points or 100 days because you only get 10 points daily. However the application just sits there on the phone and you do absolutely nothing don't need to open it don't need to do a survey poll or anything like that, it's just free money. While it's not much try combining apps together and your on your way to accumulating a good monthly income and their payment is through paypal so depending on your phone and location it could either be in dollars or pound.
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