3 Easy Ways To Get Started In Affiliate Marketing Without A Website And Money

Have you noticed yet that more and more people around the world want to work from home and make money online?

Have you ever wished you could just wake up whenever you want, have a cup of coffee, turn on your computer, work for a couple of hours online, and then spend your time with your family and hobbies? Indeed, working from home gives a lot of benefits, freedom and income.

However, many people wrongfully think that making good money online requires a website and huge...

However, many people wrongfully think that making good money online requires a website and huge investment. Here's a fact: you can start making hundreds of dollars per month within weeks with no upfront fees and even without a website.


Affiliate marketing allows you to earn commissions for selling other people's products or services online. As you study every word of this article you will become amazed at how easy it will be for you to get started earning cash on the Internet because you can join any affiliate network at no cost.

For example, you can join Clickbank:

In order to learn more about marketing Clickbank products, make sure to read their website, FAQs and information in your member's area.

Then go to Clickbank's "Marketplace" and browse the categories that interest you. When you find a product that interests you, visit it's pitch page and read the sales letter. I even suggest you buying the product that interests you. You'll understand why this will increase your affiliate earnings by the time you finish reading this article.

When you find a product that you would like to promote, press on the "Create Hoplink", enter your nickname that you have entered when joining Clickbank and create your affiliate link (hoplink) which you will be marketing on the Internet at no cost.

In order to make money online, you'll have to promote your affiliate link by using any of the 3 methods that don't require a website:

1) Forum posting
2) Article writing
3) Pay-per-click (PPC) search engine marketing

But before you can start using any of the above methods, I must warn you that each of them requires your time and work. If you think that it's easy money, you'd better go watch TV or keep browsing the Internet.

But let me confess something: If you are like me, and if you are ready to put some time and effort, in the next few minutes you're going to learn how to transform your life and start making cash on the Internet by marketing affiliate programs.

Marketing your affiliate link via forums

One of the easiest ways for beginners to earn affiliate commissions is to post comments in forums related to the product that you have chosen to market.

Now follow my path. All you have to do is go to your favorite search engine and find online forums related to the theme of your product. Create an account at each forum. Then go to update your profile and create a signature with your Clickbank hoplink. You can do that later after you have done some comment posting and see how other marketers use their links in their signatures.

Then you should browse the topics where you can provide useful tips and answers to the questions that people ask. If you have bought the product that you want to promote and you are happy with it, you should tell others about it's benefits and how it helped you.

Consider this that it's not enough to post a couple of comments and expect to earn thousands in commission. You should select several forums that interest you and keep visiting them and posting comments for at least a month. Try not to sell your product but help people. When you have posted hundreds of comments, people will treat you as an expert and the sales will start rolling in.

After you have spent some time posting comments to forums, you should notice that some topics and questions are asked again and again. If you already know how to help people, you should start writing articles and promote your affiliate links in them.

Affiliate marketing using article distribution

In order to get started you should visit some article directories, for example: or

Find articles that deal with the topic of your product and read them. Notice the "Author Bio" section at the end of most articles? It's the place where you'll market your affiliate link too.

But before you can start marketing, you should write your article. It's really easy. Don't say that you cannot write. If you can post comments in forums, you can write articles!

Simply, think about helping people, about the problems they try to solve in forums.

Now take a sheet of paper and start writing. The articles don't have to be long. Just describe the problem and how it should be solved.

Then register with some article directories, write your "Author Bio" section with your hoplink and submit your article.

For maximum results, try to write and submit at least one article per day for at least one month. If readers love your articles, they'll visit your link and buy from you. Webmasters will publish your articles on their websites and newsletters. At the end of the month you should see some affiliate commission in your Clickbank account.

Pay-per-click search engine marketing

When you have received your first checks from Clickbank, you should consider promoting your product using pay-per-click search engines. However, notice that this method requires payment for each click and may be quite complicated for beginners.

Some PPC search engines may even give you a sign-up bonus of up to $200, so it's worth doing a research online and signing up.

In order to increase your affiliate earnings, you should also consider learning how to mask your affiliate links and how to track which marketing methods provide the most revenue.

You should also try to join other affiliate networks and promote different products and services.

As you can see, you can start making money online quickly, even if you don't have any money or website. Don't give up too soon, find and read more information about affiliate marketing and your success is guaranteed!

Affiliate Marketing Rules

So you have been wanting to get into affiliate marketing, and want to know the rules. You have your website and or blog all set up and ready to go. You have chosen your niche and market that you want to promote and make money off of. You just need links to start making money. Promoting other’s services and products is not something that is difficult to do. However, you will find that with all of the many companies that offer affiliate programs, and referral options, they all have their own rules that you must follow. 

Affiliate marketing is pretty easy to follow, that is unless you have many different programs that you are a part of. When you start getting so many that you cannot remember the rules, or the guidelines that you have to follow, you might have a problem. This is because the rules for affiliate programs are as different as the companies. Each company is allowed to make their own rules. However, you might see many similarities. That does not mean that they are copying one another, or cloning their affiliate program so to speak, but yet it means that they have the same rules.

Affiliate marketing rules can be so very different. They can range from not mentioning the brand names that they sell anywhere on your website, to not have that particular market in your website URL. Because they are so different for each program and company that you promote, you are going to have to be sure that you read each one well and make sure that you understand it fully. If you all ready have your URL for your website, you may not be able to participate in some of the affiliate programs. This is because you will not meet the requirements for the rules.

Another rule that you are going to see often when you are into affiliate marketing is the page rank rule. Some of the companies that will allow you to promote their services or products will not want you to have a higher page rank than they do. Nor will they allow you to have a website that is higher in the search engine rankings. For example, if you were promoting coffee, and you wanted to become an affiliate for Folgers coffee. Your website would not be able to come up above the official Folgers coffee website in the search engine results when coffee, or Folgers coffee is used as the search term. The companies that have this rule in place for their affiliate marketing programs feel  as if your website were higher than theirs for the product that they are selling, that it would hurt their business tremendously. And, it just might. They would rather have the straight sales any day, than the commissioned sales. Who wouldn’t?

Keeping a spreadsheet of the affiliate marketing programs that you are a part of and their rules is a great idea. This way you are never confused and know just where you need to stand to be a part of that program. This is the best thing that you can do for your affiliate marketing business. Not only that, you will also find that some of the sites that have broken rules and have been caught have resulted in law suits. Cover your tracks and make sure that you are following the rules that are set by that company for the best results.

You will also find that there is a thing that is called affiliate marketing software. If you can find a program that fits your needs and will help you keep everything straight, you may not have to worry about keeping track of them yourself. Use your software to keep track and make sure that you are doing your affiliate marketing the right way. Your efforts will pay off eventually, and you will be glad that you went by the book and followed the necessary affiliate marketing rules.

Affiliate Marketing: Tips On How To Spot A Scam

Many of us want new jobs with new opportunities. We are either bored with what we are doing at the moment and desire new challenges, or dislike the place we are currently working and desperately want a change. Many of us would love to run our own businesses. The freedom and independence that this brings, answering only to you and working when you want is an incredibly desirable thing. However, the reality of this materializing is slim to none in most people’s cases. Most of us don’t have the capital required to start a small business. Others are frightened off by the risk factor involved. Your steady income will be gone as well as the fact that nearly 90 % of all new businesses fail within the first year.

Affiliate marketing is a way around the risk and start up costs. Affiliate marketing costs nothing to join and the risk is minimal. You paid according to what you produce and not according to how the company is performing. There are many wonderful affiliate programs for you to get involved with, however as with anything one needs to be cautious.

Is It Worth Buying Affiliate Software?

Many of us dream of giving up our jobs and working for ourselves. Being your own boss can provide the responsibility level you want as well as the incentive to perform well. Running your own business usually mean lots of hard work but the rewards can be quite tremendous.

When it comes to starting a business, many people get scared. They worry about loosing that security that their job has provided. They also worry about the risk involved in starting your own business. The risk is worth considering being that anywhere from 70-90 % of all small businesses fail in the first year.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to work for yourself with minimal risk. When you work as an affiliate you usually sell a range of goods or services for profit. You will still have to work very hard to promote your business; however the financial risk to you is extremely low.

Many who have started their affiliate marketing businesses wonder about affiliate Software. They wonder if it is worth purchasing and what it can do for their particular business. The answer to theses questions lies entirely in the individual affiliate and the type of business that they have. However, there are some general things to try and consider before you shell out hundreds of dollars on affiliate software.

Before buying any software program, you need to apply some perspective. Software will not take a floundering company and get it into fortune 500. It is simply a tool to help you in various aspects of running a business. You will still have to do all of the hard work. The software will only help.

Once you have some perspective, then you need to list your companies needs. How are you at keeping accounts? Could you do better with software? Many people do purchase software to manage accounts for them. Especially when their businesses start to take off. Chances are you can do just as good of a job on your own but software will make it go much faster. You must keep in mind however, that software does take time to learn. However, once you have mastered it accounting software can help you keep track of your incoming money and outgoing at a much faster rate than if you were to do it yourself.

If you have a home based affiliate marketing business that is entirely internet based, you may want to consider website building software. Again, you may be able to do just as good of a job on your own. However, if you can’t this software can help. It will offer suggestions on how to make your pages more attractive and how to attract more internet traffic to your site. This can all translate into more sales or Ad revenue for you.

You should never purchase any software without previewing it first. This way you can tell if this particular style of software is what you need. Most places will give you a free trail, if not find someone who will. You could also find free software that you can download from the internet. It takes little time to put this onto your computer. It is certainly worth at least trying the free software. It doesn’t cost anything and could save you money if it does what you need it to do. If it doesn’t then you can always have it removed and purchase what you need.

If you have a knack for sales or marketing then perhaps you should consider the world of home based affiliate marketing programs. You can put your creativity, skills and expertise to work for you rather than someone who doesn’t appreciate them. When your business starts to pick up, you may want to consider the purchase of some affiliate software. It can help you manage your accounts and increase your website traffic. You could find it for free online or get a free trail from a software company. What ever you decide, remember keep some perspective of what it can do. Software is only a tool it won’t work miracles.

Unfortunately, today we live in an age of internet and business fraud. Countless people loose large sums of money on these home business scams. Unfortunately, the world of affiliate marketing is not immune to this. While it is impossible to list every precaution a person should take, there are some signs that people can look for. These don’t always mean that the company is fraudulent but they should be looked into carefully.

Many lull themselves into a false sense of security when it comes to affiliate marketing programs. They feel that, there is no cost to them money wise so they have nothing to loose. However, this isn’t true. You may get away with no money being lost but you could lose loads of your next most precious commodity, that being time. You’re going to have to work very hard to build up your affiliate marketing business so you will want to be legitimate.

You should definitely ask the company for testimonials. Don’t rely on the ones that they post on their website. Anyone could have written these. Ask for names and addresses of people that you can contact to find out how the program worked for them. You can also try searching on your favorite search engine. By looking under scams or the company name, you’ll have a good chance of digging up any dirt that is there.

Read the testimonials carefully. If you find a few bad reviews, this shouldn’t put you off. Sometimes people just are not cut out for certain programs. If there is more good than bad then things are likely okay. You can also use these testimonials for advice on what to do and what not to do.

If you have problems finding information then this should be a warning. Good affiliate programs will have been around for a while and will have a track record. Resist the temptation to join up while the offer is still hot. If it is a good program it will still be there in 6 months time. If the product or service is worth having, there will still be plenty of profit to make out of it.

The lure of running our own businesses attracts many. However, the reality of what is involved stops most of us before we get started. Affiliate marketing is a way to work for you without the financial risk. There are many great affiliate marketing programs in existence today. However, there are also many companies that are fraudulent. When deciding who to go with, check for testimonials. Use the internet to dig up the dirt. Check the company’s track record. No track record at all can be as bad as a negative record. Beware of new companies. If they are worth it they will still be there in a few months time.

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