Becoming a Millionaire
Many people don’t know about the largest traded market in the world. Currently over 1.2 trillion dollars is traded on a daily basis in the forex market. Forex, or the foreign currency exchange market was a market that only large investors could play in and until just recently has become available to smaller investors.

What makes the forex arena so popular is the leverage one can use when trading in this market. Most brokers offer a 100:1 leverage. Traditionally a trader needs 100,000 US dollars or we say 1:1 leverage (trading cash). However, with 100:1 leverage, a currency trader is only required to deposit 1/100th of the amount needed, 1,000 US dollars. Some brokers offer as much as 400:1 leverage.
Learning how to trade forex and using the leverage available, it is very possible to make good money. However at the same time it’s very possible to lose a lot of money. Approximately 95% of forex traders lose when they decide to play in the forex market. There are many reasons for this, your psychology, discipline, greed and fear will have a major impact on your trading success.
When looking at the forex market, the price is constantly changing every second. Forex traders measure the price fluctuation in pips also known as the minimum fluctuation or smallest increment of price movement. One pip could be $1, $5, $50, or $100, whatever you decide to risk on each trade.
Using good money management with a well thought out plan can easily turn into profits in the forex arena. Learning to cut your losses and let your winners run is the key to success. A simple money management system to follow is to always look to win 3 times the amount you plan to lose. Yes, you will lose and it’s important to accept losses when trading. For example, if you set a stop-loss to 10 pips, you need to look to win 30 pips. If you set a stop-loss to 20 pips, then you need to look to win 60 pips. This way you only have to be right 33% of the time to be profitable in this market.
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